How to Deal with Sudden Internet Fame (or Infamy)

You’ve won the lottery. You’re the subject of a meme. That tweet you made without a second thought went viral, or your YouTube channel suddenly picked up steam. However it happened, you are now faced with sudden fame or infamy, thrust into the spotlight. Fame has many lovely advantages, but it also comes with a lot of unwanted attention.

Soon, the emails and private messages will start. Some will sing your praises, and others will yell at you. If you’re not careful, people might even be able to find your phone number and address. You will need to learn how to remove personal information from Google, but what else should you know about surviving your sudden celebrity status and 15 minutes or more of fame?

Remove Personal Information Online

To protect your private life, you’ll want to remove personal information from Google searches. Otherwise, people may easily find your address, phone number, and more. This is the first step in regaining what still exists of your privacy. Otherwise, expect random calls and people gawking at your home around the clock. If your personal details remain online, data broker sites could collect and sell your information indiscriminately. Consider investing in a service that specializes in removing your private data for you, contacting data broker sites on your behalf. 

Learn to Say “No”

Fame tends to bring out “long lost cousins.” People will ask for money. They will want to be seen around you. Some will try to take advantage of you, offering you a chance to invest in their company. Set your personal boundaries and learn to say “no.” You can be polite but be firm. In interviews, you do not have to answer personal questions. Many who are famous prefer to keep their private lives private and refuse to answer those questions. 

Form an Inner Circle

You need friends who you can trust, ideally friends that you knew before your rise to fame. These people keep you grounded, act as sounding boards, and can help you get out of the celebrity scene when it becomes overwhelming. Remember, these need to be people you trust not to leak information or share your personal details. Stick to the people you absolutely know you can rely on.

Be Kind to Fans

Despite your best efforts, if you become famous, you will almost certainly be approached by fans. Someone tweets which restaurant you are eating at and a few people will seek you out. It comes with being famous. Be kind and empathetic. You don’t need to be entirely on-brand. They are likely excited to see you and acting aloof can instead hurt your image. This is especially true of young fans who might look up to you. Set boundaries with your personal space and time, but be kind, even when you have to refuse a request.

Comb Through Social Media

It might be best to delete your Facebook account. Barring this, make it private, consider changing your name, and remove any personal details. Go back through past posts and tweets on social media and delete anything that could be considered even marginally offensive. Some services, such as TweetDelete, will allow you to delete old tweets en masse. Old jokes can come back to haunt you, as they did with movie director James Gunn. A decade-old tweet almost cost him a job directing a major Marvel movie. He was reinstated months later, but the damage to his reputation was done.

About DeleteMe

DeleteMe’s efficient, effective internet privacy strategies have set a high standard in online privacy and information security. Their Boston-based expert privacy team removes your personal details from data broker sites using proprietary technology as well as their and deep knowledge of opt-out and privacy policies. DeleteMe can help with information removal from Whitepages and over 30 other data broker sites—they’ve already successfully completed more than 20 million customer opt-outs to date. A subscription with DeleteMe ensures your personal, private data will stay private year-round.

Learn more about keeping your information private at


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